The Case for Building New Unions

By Tom Wetzel The British writer R. H. Tawney once described capitalist management of the workplace as “autocracy checked by insurgency.” And, indeed, a kind of insurgency takes place when workers band together to form unions. Worker unions are a…

Review of Jason Hickel, Less Is More

By Tom Wetzel Jason Hickel is apparently one of the most popular of the “degrowthers” in Europe. He is a good speaker and can give a smooth, fact-filled presentation. But his book Less is More is very frustrating. Like a…

Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day!

By Members of Workers Solidarity Alliance in East Bay and New York/New Jersey On Monday, September 4, 2023, U.S. Americans celebrate the Labor Day holiday. Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day! — No, we don’t mean let’s take every day…

Seize the Hospitals! …But How?

We’re re-publishing this report from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. By Healthcare Worker Members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra Labor Committee Last May, 200 anti-authoritarian healthcare workers gathered together in Durham, North Carolina for the first Health Autonomy Convergence (HAC). With…

The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism

Review of Zoe Baker, Means & Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States (2023) By Wayne Price This is an outstanding overview of the anarchist movement. It covers the period from 1868 (the approximate beginning…

What is Green Syndicalism?

Green Syndicalism combines syndicalism with eco-anarchism: Green Syndicalism is based on the recognition that workers — and direct worker and community alliances — can be a force against the environmentally destructive actions of capitalist firms. The goal of Green Syndicalism…