Category Labor

Green Unionism Done Right

A Brief Review of the “Roadmap to Contra Costa County Refinery Transition” Recently a group of refinery workers’ unions and Bay Area environmental justice groups released an overview of a Roadmap to Contra Costa County Refinery Transition. In a reformist…

Against Productivism

Capitalist society has a dynamic tendency towards constant technological change — change in products, methods of production, and in the ways workers are managed in the production process. I am going to suggest that capitalism has a very distinctive way…

Socialize the Railways!

By Tom Wetzel The downward slide of the major (Class 1) American freight railroads in recent years shows how capitalist ownership of the railway system is dangerous and inefficient — and fails to make use of the potential of the…

Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day!

By Members of Workers Solidarity Alliance in East Bay and New York/New Jersey On Monday, September 4, 2023, U.S. Americans celebrate the Labor Day holiday. Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day! — No, we don’t mean let’s take every day…

Seize the Hospitals! …But How?

We’re re-publishing this report from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. By Healthcare Worker Members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra Labor Committee Last May, 200 anti-authoritarian healthcare workers gathered together in Durham, North Carolina for the first Health Autonomy Convergence (HAC). With…